Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thoughts- Your New First Day


As we talked about the other day, we repeat our thoughts from day to day. So, saying “I'm not very good at that” to yourself today- gets repeated every day - and added to the already repeating thoughts from day to day.

What else do we say everyday:

  • I can't do that like... (that other person),

  • I'm not as pretty as...(that other person)

  • I don't like this habit, but I can't do anything to change it

  • I don't see a way out

  • at least I have a roof over my head

  • It can always be worse

Not only do we repeat these things once a day, most times we repeat these things all day long.

I pose this question to you.

How do you change your thoughts?

First step is meditation.

Take a class from someone else, this is not something you can learn on the internet.

The basic principle in meditation is to empty your mind of thoughts.

As a beginner you will sit and your mind will say:

  • did I leave the iron on?

  • What am I going to have for dinner?

  • Isn't that instructor cute?

  • I'm not doing this right.

  • I can't do that like... (that other person),

  • I'm not as pretty as... (that other person)

  • I don't like this habit, but I can't do anything to change it

  • I don't see a way out

  • at least I have a roof over my head

  • It can always be worse

  • how did those thoughts pop in here?

  • This isn't working.

The reason I tell you to find a teacher is that your first time meditating - you will fail 100%. Only you didn't really fail at all. All beginners feel like they have failed. You just need to continue sitting. This week, find a meditation class in your area and sign up for a 10 week class.

Until you find an instructor- there is still something you can do.

Your New Day One:

For the next 24 hours.


Listen to your inner dialogue.

Begin to recognize the words that you say to yourself, and how you say them. Also, take note at how the thoughts blend together.

Be truthful in what you think, and begin to remember what you say to yourself.

At this point don't try to change the words- Just write them down if you can.

Remember that every day can be your new first day!

Come back here and comment to me about the things that you say to yourself all day long. I'm sure we will all benefit from the open dialogue.

1 comment:

  1. It's that little voice inside your head. The one that's saying "What voice? I don't hear any voice." That's it.
